Trend of the Week: Vegetable Angst

We’ve all heard about “first world problems,” “white whines,” dilemmas of affluence and so on.  The First World is awash in blogs, Tumblrs, and free-floating disapproval for any of its members who might voice complaints  about problems that don’t matter in the grand scheme of things.  But are these gibes really fair?  Many so-called “first-world problems” are legitimate pet peeves that might annoy anyone, from Brooklyn to Bangladesh, Napa to Nairobi.  No one enjoys late trains, poor cell phone reception or defective Tic-Tacs.  And whatever your position on the socioeconomic scale, it’s human nature to comment on it.  The mockery of “luxury problems,” while well-meaning, seems a bit condescending toward the underprivileged, as well as unnecessarily dismissive of affluent problem-havers.  They’re not trying to taunt the marginalized and dispossesed.  It’s not like they’re bitching about having too much food in their kitchen, or something.

Unless they actually are.  If so, let’s nail those honkies to a cross.

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